Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Two entries in one day.

For the first time in my life I saw an apparition today.

I was in the office voice clipping Jax telling her about all of the high weirdness today with equipment failure yet again and I saw something walk behind my chair and block out the light that was coming in through the window.

It was not a car going by outside blocking the light. The office floor is squeaky and there were no squeaks, all the boys were out working on the ovens.

My monitor is very reflective and when its dark acts like a mirror, and something walked at a normal pace behind me and I was aware enough to see where the top of what looked like its head was. It wasn't black but it wasn't grey- it wasn't transparent but it wasn't solid. I could see it from the head to the waist, and the top of the head came up to a point on the bulletin board behind me.

I went and stood next to it immediately afterwards and whatever it was had to be about 5'4", because I'm 5'7" and I could see where the top of my head was versus where whatever walked by was about three inches shorter.

Which means it can't be my 6'5" father or my 6' grandfather that hangs out here at the shop sometimes.

Was it the mysterious "Jake"? I don't feel it was whatever hangs out upstairs. I still don't know who he is. I didn't even get his name, Jax did. He won't show himself to me.

I guess they knew I was serious about saging them out if they don't stay the hell away from the heavy equipment. Haha! The only ones that have been inside the office before are My Dad, Bob and Marty.

Strangely - immediately after I saw it I struggled to pinpoint what I saw - it is like my mind wanted to disbelieve it even though it was as clear as it could possibly be. I know they showed themselves while I was recording so I could listen to it back as I was describing what I saw. It was very strange, and my heart stopped for just a moment, but I wasn't afraid.

Today isn't even over and it's been one of the weirdest days of my life!

ETA: Just got a shipping notice on an item I have coming through Etsy... sellers name? John. I can't escape Johns! Ha!

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