Wednesday, February 6, 2019

This is starting to become a real problem.

I work in a shop, in a low income neighborhood close to Vancouver Lake. It's next door to an elementary school, and there are only six of us that work here. We are a close knit group of people, I'm the only female (as usual).

It's haunted, but with the massive increase in my mediumship abilities in the last six months (ugh, I can't even believe I'm typing that, but it's my reality) the shop has been completely off the chain nuts. We have electrical surges, broken equipment, and something always breaks every single day here. It's a big joke that the day everything works will become our official holiday. 

Well this morning when I went to thaw out the car I heard my dad chuckling from the back seat. My dad hangs with me at the shop and pops in and out throughout the day, so to have him with me that early was unusual - usually if someone is going to ride in with me it's Eula Lee. 

I asked him what was so funny and I was basically told to get ready for a wild day. I told my husband what was up and asked him to be extra vigilant driving in on the ice this morning. I had massive anxiety that something bad was going to happen and to be careful. 

Got to work okay, one of the boys beat me and had the powder coating ovens fired up. It became apparent that we have a cracked bearing in one oven. Sucks. We have our staff meeting (with my traditional Wu-tang Wednesday Motivational song lol) and then... one of the bearings on the other oven EXPLODES all over underneath the small oven.

"Told ya," - Dad pops in my head. REALLY?????

Jax sends me a message - what the hell is going on there? Crazy energy? HAAAAA

We are fucking short circuiting this place. Now not only do I have Dad, Bob, Jake (the hider) and Marty (the prankster), I have one upstairs that won't let me identify "it". They are hanging around here too much because I'm talking with them now and it's too much energy. 

So much like my staff meeting with the boys, I threatened to sage out every last one of them if they don't start playing nice and let them know that they have to take shifts or this place is going to not be able to stay open. We had two forklifts with issues last week. It's NUTS. So I reminded them that if they like this little misfit family here and like me being here to talk to them to knock it the hell off. I explained to them this place is literally the lifeblood of us all, and it's up to them to help me not overload it. I told them that if they don't stop I'll have to quit and move on. 

I'm concerned that the not nice thing came from the land a mile away down by the railroad tracks and trailer park that Eula Lee told me was cursed. I asked Dad and Bob and Marty to get it under control. 

We'll see if that works. LOL. 

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